This summer, the one thing I absolutely, positively cannot live without is...
"My white Converse High Tops. I learned the hard way that there’s no glamorous way to walk to work in heels."
Current food obsession...
"Pomegranates. By themselves, on top of yogurt, or, most preferably, covered in chocolate."
Next up on my Netflix is...
"Re-watching Parks and Recreation for the (oh, boy) fifth time I think? I can't get enough of Amy Poehler and Aziz Ansari. Treat yo self!"
Latest guilty pleasure...
"There is a dyptique candle sitting in my shopping cart about to be my latest guilty pleasure."
The one song I can listen to over and over...and over to is...
"London by She & Him. I wish those two could serenade me to sleep every night."
My must-have cheap thrill...
"Iced coffee! Every. Single. Morning."