Why This Arcade Fire Violinist Isn’t A Yoga Robot

We love overachievers who manage to make it all look easy. Take Sarah Neufeld, for instance. Not only is she the violinist for the Arcade Fire and Bell Orchestre, the 33-year-old is releasing a solo album — all this, and she has a yoga studio, too. Together with fellow Canadian expats Britton Darby, Guillaume Brun, and Rebecca Foon, Neufeld owns Moksha, a NYC yoga destination known for its hot-yoga sessions. (Fittingly, some classes have live music. We'd expect no less from such a talented gang.)
In a new profile in The Aesthete, Neufeld sounds like the kind of woman we'd like to hang with. Though she's enthusiastic about yoga, she doesn't come off as a "yoga robot." (Her words, not ours.) “You still get stressed out, but you don’t get as wrapped up in your own reactions,” she says of her own yoga practice. She's on tour right now, no doubt doing Downward Dogs before hitting the stage — because, we're guessing, a little stretching and flexing might be the best violin warmup of all. (The Aesthete)

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