Watch: The Best Maid Of Honor Toast Ever

Wedding season: A seemingly never-ending time when you bear witness to vow after vow, participate in countless renditions of the Electric Slide, and drink more champagne than any human ever should. Now, don't get us wrong, we love weddings (yes, we're that guest bawling before the bride even walks down the aisle) and each couple's matrimony is infinitely special, but after about mid-June it's only natural for nuptials to start to feel a bit repetitious.
Which, naturally, is why we live for those YouTube-perfect moments that make an event stand out — an adorable father-daughter dance choreographed to "Baby Got Back," the groom who surprises the crowd with an acoustic ballad, and, yes, the toast. After we saw this clip of Jennifer Gabrielli's speech at a California soiree, we knew it was a hit. You'll have to watch the toast in its entirety to see why, but we'll give you a hint: She wrote her very own version of Eminem's "Without Me." And, better yet, she did the song complete justice. Get ready to laugh, cry, dance along, and maybe even raise your own glass of bubbly. (YouTube)

Photo/Video: Via YouTube

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