Breaking: Vogue Goes To Brooklyn, Finds 2 Good Restaurants

Oh, Vogue. We know you mean well. But when you try to talk about Brooklyn, it kind of sounds like our parents talking to us about rap music — awkward, a little offensive, and out of touch. In the glossy's latest article, Jeffrey Steingarten heads to the outer borough and discovers not one, but two restaurants that he likes, Chef's Table at Brooklyn Fare and Blanca. Other discoveries: "Maps can be so educational!" “Hipsters are remote descendants of the Beats of the fifties and the hippies of the sixties. Today, many are simply slackers.” And “Sunset Park is a somewhat distressed neighborhood."
Still, don't let this dissuade you from taking the "long, bumpy trip from Manhattan." There are many reasons “[Brooklynites] no longer need to stand at the water’s edge, gazing longingly at the bright lights of Manhattan, salivating," and Vogue is sure to expose them all. (Brokelyn)

Photo Via: Brokelyn


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