5 New Beauty Products You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Remember the good 'ol days when beauty products were easy to understand? Products clearly stated what they were, and there was very little confusion about how exactly you were supposed to use it. Nowadays we have things like DD creams, and serums-in-oil, and myriad other marketed-to-death products that half of us have no idea how to use, or even what they are in the first place.
But, that's not to say we need to go back to the days of less-evolved hair, skin, and makeup products. Many of these new innovations are actually worthwhile buys, once you do some digging and figure them out. We took five of the latest and greatest new product categories and interviewed a few pros in the know to help us understand what these products are, how they differ from what's already on the market, and why they're worth a try. Read on to get the full scoop on these super-advanced primpers.

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