Robb Stark Is Dating Jenna Coleman; We Are Pleased

robbstarkPhoto: Picture Perfect/Rex USA.
Spoiler alert, everyone.
After his wife was tragically murdered by one yellow-bellied Walder Frey and company, it seems that young Robb Stark has finally found love once more. Some might argue that he, too, was killed in the same scene — but we know for a fact that he actually survived, traveled through time/space, changed his name to Richard Madden, and started dating Jenna-Louise Coleman.
The pair have been together for a while now, but we would just like to take this opportunity to remind you that it's cute and we are starving for any GoT-related news. You might recognize Coleman from her role on Doctor Who, as Clara Oswald. In addition to showing up together at Comic Con, they were recently spotted canoodling around town and enjoying their semi-matching sunglasses. Ah, young wolf...may you and your newfound lady forever prosper.

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