Taking It Easy
"I guess I only recently realized that music is something that I could actually make a living out of. Before…I don't want to say it was a hobby...I was always just playing cello, or piano, or guitar. But, it's only now that it’s ended up being what I am doing. Still, I’ve learned not to take being a musician too seriously. Sometimes, you go in the studio with some people, and they're pulling their hair out and freaking out. You just have to explain to them that it's just music! It's completely important, but it's also not important. You could change someone's life if someone loves it, but if you don't — if that doesn't happen — no one is going to die from you not completing your vocal take."
"I guess I just try and make what is most pleasing to me, palate-wise. A few years ago, it used to be more — not mechanical — but more like a checklist of things I wanted musically. Not necessarily what I see as pleasing to myself. Nowadays, it's kind of completely selfish. Just colors and textures that are soothing to me."

Write On
"I’d consider myself more of a songwriter than a producer, I guess. I have a pretty particular production style, yes, but I care more about writing songs than I do about producing the songs. I'm happy to have other people produce songs that I've written, but it's usually just quicker for me to produce it and play all the instruments. That said, I don't usually have a problem giving my songs to other people."
Recycling Program
“If I think a song’s not working out, I tend to leave it. Then it gets rehashed and used in some other way. I try not to stress out about it. It's kind of rare that I'll start working on a song, and it will be unfinished. I always just finish it; even though, I probably shouldn't. Even if it's technically not right, I keep it as a song — a finished song — so I can go back to it and maybe rework it. Or I'll be in the studio with someone, and it will come up, and I can mold it to them, and I can use it as a skeleton to work with. I have probably touched 200 songs that haven't been released...of varying quality"
Fan Club
"I guess I actively surround myself with things that I really love, so it will always pour into what I'm working on. Just think about when you're fan. When you're younger, what the person looks like ties into your love for them in some way or another. Whether one is more important than the other, it just collectively works. So, I dunno, it's not really anything I think about, but I can see how it influences me, because of the things I'm still a fan of."
Grooming by Andrew Colvin.