Aaron Paul’s Reddit AMA Was Obviously Amazing

redditbitchPhoto: Via Reddit.
We're not the first to say it, and we won't be the last: Aaron Paul is one good ookin' fellow. Even when he's playing a strung-out, grieving addict whose life is a swirling whirlpool of misery and mistakes, he is just a dreamboat. And when he gets cleaned up? Oh, girl, we could go on for days.
The Breaking Bad star took to Reddit for the Internet's favorite kind of interview, the AMA, and told us all a few things about what it's like to play one of TV's most recognizable characters — and dropped a few coy hints about the upcoming series finale. An enlightening experience, to say the least, and he was more thorough and dedicated to answering every reasonable question than most celebrities are in this format. Here are a few highlights:
He's a natural-born talent. And he really gets into character: "The only training I have is really trial and error. I never went to any sort of class. When I came out to LA I was 17 years old and I sat in on two different classes. What I saw during those classes was them doing these strange acting exercises which I didn't understand. I always just thought "hey, pretend like you're being someone else and that's all there is to it." I wasn't a fan of those classes so if I go into an audition and fail miserably, I just think to myself 'well, let's not do that again' and 'do better.' So that's really it. I just force myself to truly believe that I am living the situation through the character."
He's kind of a furry. When asked which Star Wars character he'd like to be: "it's between R2D2 and Chewbacca. Leaning towards Chewbacca...just because I think it would be fun to be that furry and soft."
He joins you and Kristen Bell in your Game of Thrones obsession. When asked what other shows he would like to be on: "I would say Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia, or Game of Thrones, or House of Cards. They are so badass and addicting." Also, when asked what he would name it if he had a child with Daenerys Targaryen, he simply responded "Fred."
He's okay with the fact that this whole thread is basically people saying "yo, bitch." "Yes, I get called 'bitch' on a daily basis and yes I do think I'll get called 'bitch' on a daily basis for years to come. But to be honest, I don't really mind because I like being called 'bitch.'"

He has some amazing things to say about bullying.
Part of the reason for the AMA was to promote and raise money for a project of his wife's, The Kind Campaign. He explained that bullying is "very personal to me. My wife speaks at schools throughout the year constantly, speaking to the bullies and the kids who have been bullied, about spreading kindness. The thing that people don't realize is that a lot of the time bullies are the ones that are hurting the most. And during every assembly that my wife does, every single time, the bully at the school will stand up in front of their peers and apologize to everyone. It's an incredible thing to witness. Bullies need love too and that's why they're bullies."

On the much-anticipated ending: "I gotta be honest. I never wanted Breaking Bad to end, simply because I'm a huge fan of the show and I didn't want to be unemployed. But after reading the final eight episodes and understanding where the writers are going with it, I'm so happy they ended it the way they did and I think all of you will be happy as well. It's a dark, crazy ride to the final episode but it is a fun one. Yeah, bitch."
Also, one participant pointed out that he is the male Jennifer Lawrence, which is so true. Definitely go check out the rest of this thread, where you will find out that Aaron Paul is amazing, kind, adorable, funny, and that you are completely in love with him.

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