Lady Gaga may well be storming up the charts and hitting headlines with her big comeback, but she’s got someone on her tail. And no, it's not Katy Perry. It's Ellie Goulding, who’s also got fighting words for her fellow songstress.
With Goulding’s single "Burn" currently beating Gaga’s "Applause" on the U.K. charts, she’s in good stead to make some bold statements. And heck, that’s precisely what’s she’s doing, warning Gaga that she’s trounced her once, and she’ll trounce her again. Ooh, burn. Speaking out about the rivalry, Goulding said, “It’s her big comeback single and she hasn’t released anything in a while. Hopefully, mine will stay at the top. It’s put up a really good fight.” Okay, but we're pretty sure there's room at the top for the both of you.
Offering some more modest words elsewhere, the British singer is still in shock over cracking America, not to mention earning an MTV Video Music Award nomination. “It’s still something I will never comprehend because I came to America for a couple of years, trying to make it out here…During that time, Lights started climbing up the charts very slowly. I think it has the record for the slowest climb to number one. It was bizarre. The VMA thing is just crazy. I am going to be there because it’s a really big thing for me.” So, which blondie are you backing? (Metro)
Photo: Via Metro.