A replacement backpack, a shiny new pair of shoes…even if you're not going back to school, you've been conditioned to treat this time of year with that "life makeover" mentality. Same goes for schools, though, too — and even if you aren't directly involved in your alma mater's day-to-days, you can still make sure that its current kids have something new on the first day of school. How? Target is donating up to $5 million to the schools across the country you deem to be the most worthy of some extra funds — and led by Sophia Bush, La La Anthony, Gabrielle Douglas, and others, this initiative will let you give your favorite institutions a shout-out.
Says Bush, "The crisis that kids here in America are facing, with so much funding being cut in schools, has been so hard to watch, and can feel even harder to fight. Having a company like Target step up and choose to make a difference like this is so incredible. They are on track to give $1 — yes, billion with a B! — to education by 2015. That's an incredible thing."
For Bush, who graduated from the Westridge School for Girls in Pasedena, California, she credits her high school English teacher for being the one teacher that mattered most to her. "[Mr. Goss] was so vibrant and honest and inspiring. He taught me, and so many other kids, how to really analyze a story — to appreciate structure and creativity. His class changed the way I look at, and experience, stories. It's affected my whole career."
Got a school you think it worthy of some good news? Vote for your pick on Target's Facebook page. When a school receives 25 votes, Target will donate $1 for every subsequent vote, with a maximum donation of $10,000 a school. You've got until September 21 (or until the $5 million runs out!) to show your support.