Drop Everything! The Royal Baby’s First Official Photo Is Here

officialEMBEDPhoto: Via @BritishMonarchy.
Though you already got a good look at him in the photos from outside the hospital, the royal family has now released the first photos of Kate, William, and baby George on Twitter. Evidently, the trio has spent most of the time since the birth just lounging around in a beautiful country field, looking glamorous and slightly windswept (us, too, for the most part).
This portrait is a deviation from tradition, which has normally produced much more formal, slightly solemn affairs. Mario Testino was even brought in to take the shots for Prince William's first official press release! But this time, the photos were taken by family members — like Kate's father. And, best of all, the family dog Lupo got to make an appearance. Frankly, we can barely stand looking at this photo between all the cuteness of the dog, the baby, and the happy couple! (USA Today)

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