This Cat Music Video Is Everything We Ever Wanted

Auf wiedersehen, world. It's Friday afternoon, and this cat music video is the best thing we'll ever experience in our lives. We're so overwhelmed with feelings over this, we can't even pin down our reactions. We're in awe of the talent with these little felines, we're mad that we didn't think of this idea first, and we're not even the least bit embarrassed that the best thing to happen to us all week is an Internet clip full of techno-loving kitties.
"Dreams Are Real" has pretty much every single thing we're looking for when it comes to cat videos. Kitties dress in costume, fly through fields, wear sunglasses at night, and high five each other. They also rock out onstage to a crowd of adoring puppets (watch your back, keyboard cat). In short, this music video is our new reason for living, breathing, and getting out of bed in the morning. We're not even mad that our own four-legged friends weren't considered for a shot at Internet fame. Watch below to change your life forever. (BuzzFeed)

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