We haven't met Gwyneth Paltrow (yet!), but we're pretty sure she rules everything in her world with an iron fist. It's just the nature of a mind-boggling-ly perfect human being to have cool control over everything. Maybe it's the fact that everyone around her is blinded by her radiant skin and shiny hair — how else do you explain all the kefir and macrobiotics? But now, someone has crossed her, and she is not taking it lightly. And, it just so happens that person is Vanity Fair EIC Graydon Carter.
In a new story, The New York Times looked into the rising celebrity backlash against the glossy's increasingly hard-edged reporting. It turns out that Ms. Paltrow is not a fan of the mag, and she's imploring friends to stop supporting Carter and his cronies. "Vanity Fair is threatening to put me on the cover of their magazine," she wrote in an email. "If you are asked for quotes or comments, please decline. Also, I recommend you all never do this magazine again." Chilling words, Gwynnie.
For his part, Graydon Carter isn't the least bit fazed, citing backlash as just part of the job. After all, the magazine prides itself on whistle-blowing stories, so Carter's no stranger to the angry email. We're definitely not going to stop reading VF just to assuage Paltrow, but we're sure some of her friends will think twice before they buy their next issue. (New York Magazine)