The other question this immediately brings up is one of energy — we need carbs and sugar for fuel, right? While some MDs and RDs would say yes, without a doubt, Dr. Perlmutter disagrees. “We've all been schooled that the brain "prefers" to burn glucose as a fuel. In reality, the most efficient brain "super fuel" is fat, allowing far better ATP production with reduced production of damaging free radicals,” he says. What’s even more alarming, and the main focus of Dr. Perlmutter’s new book, is the destructive aftermath in the brain that indulging in a wheat-and-sugar-laden diet can cause: “Current science clearly correlates even modest increase in available glucose in human physiology with dramatic and clearly detrimental changes in the brain,” says Dr. Perlmutter. “Even slight elevations of blood sugar — well below the threshold for diagnosing diabetes — very directly predicts the future risk of developing dementia, as was recently described in the prestigious
New England Journal of Medicine."