So, you've previously said you've wanted to kick butt in movies. Is this a new thing for you? What drew you to this kind of role?
"A lot of the time, we want to live vicariously through the characters we want to play. We spend our whole lives being told we've got to behave and not to lose our temper. There is some kind of release to be able to do that.
What about being a woman who gets to be able to kick butt?
"Well, I think that strong women are incredibly sexy. Power is sexy, whether it is from a man or a woman.
You’ve basically become a red carpet icon now. How do you keep it fresh on the carpet? How has the red carpet changed?
“Well, they boo and hiss at you sometimes which is unpleasant.”
When does that happen?!
“Sometimes if you don’t stop, and sometimes if you don’t talk. They used to not do that. As far as staying fresh, well, you have a great team putting you together. It doesn’t just happen on its own. Samantha McMillen is a fabulous stylist with a great team. My sister in-law designs, too. I’m really fortunate to be surrounded by all this talent. I’m like a blank canvas.”
The Family is out today, nationwide.