As if fans of DC Comics didn't have enough to kvetch about — what with Ben Affleck being cast as the Dark Knight in the upcoming Batman vs. Superman film — another potential cast member is about to send them over the edge. Yesterday, Justin Bieber posted a photo on Instagram that suggests he'll be joining the cast of the Zack Snyder picture as Batman's boy-wonder sidekick. In the photo, Bieber holds what appears to be a genuine Warner Bros. script with his name watermarked across the page. The photo's tagged "#robin ??" Reactions on Instagram have ranged from "I love you" to "HOLY HELL NO." And that's about what we'd expect.
But there is also good reason to suspect this is all merely a hoax. After all, the Biebs tweeted yesterday that he was working on something with the pranksters at Funny or Die, and this seems right up their alley. Besides, could Snyder really be that desperate for stunt-casting? (Deadline Hollywood)