Hello, NASA? It’s Sandra Bullock Calling

As if living and working as an astronaut in the International Space Station isn't crazy enough already, imagine this: One day, the phone rings, and Sandra Bullock is on the other end of the line. That's what happened to veteran astronaut Cady Coleman. The astronaut was doing a five-month stint on the ISS when Bullock called her up while prepping for her role in Alfonso Cuaron's Gravity, which lands in theaters on October 4. "She wanted to know about what it is like to physically live up there and physically move around. 'What would you do with your hands? With your feet? What would be a natural position to work? How often do you see your crewmates? Where do you meet each other?'" Coleman told CollectSpace. And in true testament to her girl-next-door persona, Bullock got in touch with Coleman through totally normal channels — her chef sister happens to know Coleman's brother, who's in the wine business. Coleman's reaction to Bullock's out-of-the-blue phone call was pretty sweet, too: "We're working hard up there and the days are really long, so it was pretty neat to have somebody that you've looked up to on the screen from afar to [get in touch]." How's that for a killer Monday-morning combo of celebs being awesome people IRL and women doing seriously incredible things? (Jezebel)
mainPhoto via: IMDB/Getty Images/Fred Duval.

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