Jared Leto is an angelic man. He's discovered the fountain of youth, wears nice (albeit expensive) pants, and gives one mighty war cry. Said war cry wouldn't be the first thing that comes to mind when we think of Rihanna, but it sure is now.
Leto and his Thirty Seconds To Mars crew stopped by BBC Radio 1 earlier this week, and blessed us with a musical gem. Rihanna's "Stay" is a lovely tune, yes, but Leto's elevated the single into new territory. Maybe it's the bit of rasp in his voice, or maybe it's the idea of Jared Leto singing a Rihanna song, but something about this has us feeling feelings. Where was he this summer when "Blurred Lines" was being covered left and right? A little sprinkling of Leto dust on pop number ones does the ear good. And you, dear friends, are very welcome for this little piece of sonic therapy. (Jezebel)