20 Pics That Prove Animals Do NOT Belong On The Red Carpet

Readers, please disregard. This is a PSA intended for celebrities, PR people, and the Hollywood community: Do not bring your animals on the red carpet. They are not props, they are not accessories, they are living creatures who kind of want to poop all over your Louboutins. And, you know, they should poop all over your Louboutins. It is only natural.
Does this sound like a needless statement? We beg to differ. These 20 images prove that sometimes people actually think it's a good idea to bring wild and domesticated animals alike into loud, flash-filled red-carpet situations for promotion. Because, hey, there is nothing more photo-op worthy than a bunch of penguins running around, disheveled and maniacal. Sometimes, it's disastrous, often it's sad, and every now and again we can't help but laugh a little — but every time, everyone would be better off with a guy in a mascot suit.

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