We're going to come right out and say it: Time has been treating Lizzy Caplan well. She's gone from the Hot Topic, rumored lesbian in Mean Girls to a full-fledged star with a penchant for nudity. Don't expect her to talk about her nakedness, though, especially to GQ, of all publications. "I feel like I've answered that question a thousand times," she says. Which, considering her track record of playing a nudie hippie on True Blood and Party Down's resident regulation hottie, is probably not an exaggeration.
Instead, GQ gets Caplan to talk about sex...lots and lots of sex. She talks about sex with men, sex with men and women, and how to become a master of sex à la her new Showtime show. Bluntly, she says "If you watch Masters of Sex, you will score chicks." Being that GQ is predominantly for men, the last part of her statement makes sense, but she's quick to assure the ladies that "the show will be equally relevant to men and women." Ladies, grab your notebooks and pens because according to Caplan, we're "sexual athletes" and this show will tell you why.
But, until class begins this Sunday, we've got Lizzy Caplan's (more tongue, less cheek) interview to tie us over. Let the girl crushing commence. (GQ)