We're going to start off by saying that if anyone reading this doesn't think Meryl Streep is one of the greatest actresses ever, this probably isn't the story for you. The woman is a total chameleon. She can play an icy editrix, a boisterous chef, or, you know, Margaret Thatcher, all with bracing realism. Her latest role is yet another departure, but from the looks of this just-released still she's gotten fully into character.
Streep is teaming up with director Rob Marshall (he of Chicago fame) and heavy hitters Anna Kendrick, Chris Pine, Emily Blunt, and Johnny Depp for Disney's Into The Woods. The musical combines all our favorite fairy tales — think Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, and Rapunzel — into one amazingly throwback original story. Queen Meryl takes on the classic role of the witch, in this case one who is trying to reverse a curse and restore her beauty. As we can see from the exclusive pic, Streep is fully transformed into witchy goodness...and that wig. Can she work blue hair or can she work blue hair? Filming is just getting started now, so we're unfortunately going to have to wait until Christmas 2014 to see the final project. Commence countdown.