Everyone's favorite ballerina covers the latest issue of Elle UK, but this time, Natalie Portman is doing things a little bit differently. Looking chic in head-to-toe Versace, Portman flipped the script for the mag's interior story, sitting down to an interview with her Thor costar Tom Hiddleston. While the two grew close during filming (a few epic fight scenes will do that to you), he didn't shy away from asking the hard questions on topics like marriage and betrayal, falling in love and motherhood. (The latter, as it turns out, is way more than she expected, in every way.)
"I love being a mum, but it’s much more intensive work than being an actress," she said. "Going to work feels like you’ve got a day off. Not that I want a day off from being a mum, it’s just perhaps I had this impression before that mums don’t work. But they work more than anyone." Stepping into a more traditional role at home hasn't squelched her ideas about feminism, either. "I want every version of a woman and a man to be possible," she said. "I want women and men to be able to be full-time parents or full-time working people or any combination of the two."
Hiddleston also found a way to tap into something a bit lighter: Portman's passion for Dirty Dancing. As it turns out, the actress is just as addicted to Baby and Johnny as the rest of us, and that addiction even moves her to occasional tears. "To this day, it’s the movie that I’ve seen most in my life," she told her costar. "I can’t talk about it too much, or I’ll start getting teary. There are other movies I love, but no other movie that I have watched over and over." Pick up the November issue for the rest of the endearing interview, and, of course, a look at the gorgeous actress in all her glory. (Elle UK)