How Many Books Have You Read From David Bowie’s Top 100?

It goes without saying that David Bowie is a musical genius. The barnstorming success of his retrospective at the V&A museum (along with, well, his storied career so far) is a testament to that.
And, to celebrate the David Bowie Is exhibition going on tour, the singer’s top 100 list of favourite books has been revealed. To say that it's a varied bunch is putting it mildly. Viz comics sit alongside The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov, while Jessica Mitford’s The American Way Of Death vies for position next to every student’s favourite tome, Jack Kerouac’s On The Road.
It’s a fascinating insight into the psyche of this mysterious musician. The Evening Standard reveals that the audio guide to this exhibition has the man himself revealing that if his day job hadn’t worked out, “he would have written novels.” We don’t doubt that a novel written by Bowie would be well worth a read. Click through to see the entire list and let us know in the comments below: How many of 'em have you read? (Confession: This writer’s not-so-grand tally is 12, but an emergency visit to Amazon should raise the numbers before too long.) (The Evening Standard)

Photo: Via The Evening Standard.


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