You Really Need To Watch Jude Law’s Son In This Film

Talk about winning the genetic lottery. Rafferty Law, the 16-year-old son of Jude Law and Sadie Frost, is already getting modelling gigs—and we're pleased to report that the phrase 'like father, like son' has never been more true.
Raffi, as he's called, stars in the new film by hip tailoring label Tiger of Sweden with a gaggle of other young British creative types including stylist Ellie Cumming and artist Phoebe Collings-James. Each is given a role, and Rafferty is the Rebel, resplendent with piercings and jewellery a-plenty. In fact we're now convinced that all men should wear a minimum of 10 rings at any given time. In an excellently East London accent he declares that "to be above the cut, you've got to think a little different." Quite so.
There's also a shot of him with a large bone in his mouth, presumably because that's just how Rafferty rolls.
The general mood of the black and white film is just a little bit French New Wave, as in it makes little sense, but you know that somewhere lurking in there is, like, a totally deep meaning. Watch it and let us know your thoughts...we're convinced that we'll be seeing a lot more of Law Junior in the coming months and years.

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