Is there any greater joy than watching a young person come into their own? Why, yes. It's called watching a precociously intelligent, stylish young person post Instagrams of photobooth romance with a handsome young gentleman while simultaneously being the founding EIC of a successful online magazine. That's right, ladies, we're talking about the one and only Tavi.
In classic Tavi Tulle (that's her handle, for the uninitiated) form, she gave us a quick peek into her private life right next to the backstage snaps from Jimmy Fallon and other such fancy things. The post, showing her and an unknown cutie canoodling in a photo booth, read: "Thank you A&A studios for letting us come by and use your chemical photo booths (some of the last in the woooorld!)." We don't know who he is, or if he's her boyfriend, or if he's real or just a figment of our demented imaginations, but we are reaching high school levels of swoon nonetheless.
Sadly, the trolls arrived to spoil the moment, as they always do. She had to delete the post after it made the popular page and started garnering all kinds of gross comments, because the Internet is a terrible place. It's okay to cry. We all are. Can we all just agree not to harass people on their Instagrams? In any situation, but especially when the "celebrity" in question is manning their own account and probably reading hurtful and inappropriate comments.
Oh, and yes, her haircut is adorable, by the way.