See How Far You Can Get Through The Nymphomaniac O Face Posters

There's been a lot of buzz surrounding controversial director Lars von Trier's newest film, Nymphomaniac. Not only does it chronicle the sexual history of a lust-addicted woman, it reportedly features actor Shia LaBeouf in a real, live sex scene. According to several interviews with the star, all actors were warned before the start of filming that von Trier required everything in the movie to be, well, authentic. As you can imagine, the resulting film is way out-of-the-box, possibly bordering on disturbingly graphic. All of the flick's publicity has kept the oversexed theme alive, and the latest promotions are no exception.
The series of posters show us all the film's stars, in varying degrees of, well, the "O" face. We get what von Trier is trying to do here: Nymphomaniac is supposed to be edgy, but these posters are giving off the major ick factor. Some of them aren't so bad (LaBeouf's version is surprisingly tame), while others are bound to show up in nightmares. It's kind of a fun game, actually — see at which point you're no longer able to click through the slideshow. Chances are you'll become so uncomfortable that you have to look away, and for once, we won't blame you. Let us know your lucky number in the comments below. (Entertainment Weekly)

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