Pop quiz! How many different brands use the color blue? Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn — anymore? There's plenty, and many you may not be aware of. Colin Gourlay, a web developer, created Name That Blue, a simple online game that shows how many shades of blue are currently making the digital rounds. It also highlights how we've become wired to associate certain colors with brands. Depending on your success rate, you're either hip to nuances, or we've been inundated with these colors for so long that they've become subconscious knowledge (pretty freaky, eh?).
After you've swum through the deep blue (branded) sea, Gourlay offers you the option of testing other brand colors, too. Can you spot the difference between orange and Blogger orange? Rock on if you can. This humble author apparently doesn't online shop enough to understand the particular hue of the e-commerce giant. Sigh.
Test your branding wits after the jump, then let us know how you did in the comments below!