Everyone On TV Was Once On Dawson’s Creek. Proof Ahead.

At one point or another, we have all fallen irrationally, intensely into an all-consuming love (or lust, as the case may be). And, after those relationships came to a dramatic end, we promised ourselves we would never look back. What would be the point of wasting our lives thinking about the past? The only exception: Our brightly burning love affair with Dawson's Creek. That show was The Best, and despite the fact that it toyed with us for a few years too many and then abandoned us with no concern for our feelings, we still care. A lot.
After all, it gave us so much while we were together. We fell in love with a perfectly flawed boy named Pacey, wanted to throw things at identified with a smarty-pants tomboy named Joey, befriended the too-cool misfits that were Jen and Jack, and felt some very intense pangs of jealousy around our lost invitation to Sunday-night dinners with Grams.
The finale aired, we shed many a tear, and we most adamantly refused to move on. Instead, we continued to look for our Dawson’s fix. (Netflix helped. As did TBS.)
Life updates on Joshua Jackson, Michelle Williams, Katie Holmes, and James Van Der Beek abound. Those four main stars have been in and out of the spotlight for the past 10 years. But, what about the characters who aren't on the DVD covers — those who befriended, challenged, and fell in love with the core four? Well, they're everywhere, too. Ahead, we have proof, in the form of 30 shows on the air right now (well, R.I.P. Dexter) that have all looked to the Creek for talent. Yep, when it comes to TV, all roads lead to Capeside.

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