Michelle Obama Screens Mademoiselle C At The White House

Anna won't be happy about this: FLOTUS reportedly ordered up a copy of Fabien Constant's documentary about Carine Roitfeld, Mademoiselle C. Fashionista reports that the White House requested a copy of the film, which follows Carine's launch of her CR Fashion Book—so that Mrs. Obama could hold her own private screening. We know that Mobama is something of a fashion fan, not to mention pal-y with Anna Wintour and the Vogue cru, but we didn't know that her affections stretched to Paris, especially as Ms. Roitfeld has never shown a shred of interest in politics.
Given the current government shutdown, it's perhaps unsurprising that the First Lady is seeking out some light relief, and we love the idea of Michelle, Malia and Sasha settling down with some popcorn at the White House for some Carine 'n' Karl action. We also presume that the Mademoiselle C viewing session was followed by fashion classics The September Issue, Who Are You, Polly Maggoo?, and Unzipped. At least that's how we like to think the Obama household rolls.

Photo: Via Fashionista.


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