The dawn of new news casting is upon us with Ronan Farrow leading the way. MSNBC announced yesterday that Farrow will be getting his own one-hour long weekday segment in 2014. The broadcasting network has promised it will be "a game-changer for MSNBC, representing a fresh approach to how we deliver news." Farrow followed up with a statement of his own: "It’s a show about why the news matters to you — and what you can do to be a part of the story."
Could this be the one news show to successfully integrate real-time social media with regular news reporting? Perhaps. Farrow has essentially grown up in the Internet age, and with his demonstrable intellect and internet savvy, surely knows the secret to getting a younger generation excited about actually watching the news, rather than scrolling through it. And, not to take a shallow plunge, but he's got those Farrow (and possibly Sinatra) genes. That can only help his on-camera charm — not that we had any doubt. Regardless of his parentage, Ronan has consistently proved himself to be a rising star in his own right, and with complete merit. Look out, Anderson Cooper. (Entertainment Weekly)