Rookie Yearbook 2 Debuts, Is Generally Awesome

Rookie_Yearbook_Two_CoverslidePhoto: Courtesy of Rookie.

Where can you find Neil deGrasse Tyson, Grimes, Emma Watson, Judy Blume, tarot cards, and an origami fortune teller, all in one book?
Rookie Yearbook Two
, the latest compilation from
editor Tavi Gevinson, has all those things — and more, naturally. To celebrate the second year of the eclectic online mag, Gevinson worked her magic again by putting together another tome that would have thrilled us to bits if it had been around when we were 15. (Even as adults, we still think it's pretty rad.)

In typical Tavi style, Rookie Yearbook Two is an effortlessly cool, collaged masterpiece that combines the quirky, the creative, and the actually-useful. Keep an eye out for little notes scrawled in the margins — "Don't go outside, don't talk to boys" — and articles with titles like "A Guide to Ghost Hunting." For the $29.95 cover price, you get 350 pages of content, including serious pieces (like a how-to for building your own computer), an essay on the importance of daily affirmations, an interview with Sleater-Kinney's Carrie Brownstein, a feature by Mindy Kaling, and goodies, like beautiful tarot cards. All in all, not a bad deal. The Tavi-inspired guilt over your own wasted youth is free.

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