"In my classes, all we learned was how to 'fix' my community, how to 'fix' the food, how to 'fix' the people’s health, and how to make them better, basically by erasing any inch of culture they had left."
"When we aren’t focused on fitting into a mold that was never meant for us, we can focus on real nutrition."
"The idolization of European features encourages diet culture and the development of eating disorders in our community."
"The underrepresentation plus the colorism made many of us feel like we were not enough."
"It’s just really sad that our cultural obsession with whiteness and thinness is embedded into our everyday lives by the media and our families."
"Now, we all know that nicknames like these are the norm. Whether its gorda, flaca, fea, linda, prieta, rubia, guera— they all have a physical connotation to them. And usually not a good one. We belittle our children with these nicknames, which then become their identities, often harmful ones. Ones that lead them to wanting to fit in, to no longer being gorda, to no longer being fea."