Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard are certainly lobbying to be Hollywood's cutest couple. Pretty much everything they do elicits a collective aww from, well, everybody. Whether it's Shepard's heartbreaking letter to his late father or the couple's Twitter proposals after the DOMA takedown, they can do no wrong. Speaking of which, we've been waiting for Shepard and Bell to get hitched for ages now. Bell famously claimed that they simply hadn't found the time to get to the courthouse, but yesterday, they finally tied the knot.
According to TMZ, the betrothed couple had an expectantly low-key ceremony at the Beverly Hills County Clerk's Office. As the story goes, they swung by to pick up their marriage license, but a court staffer offered to marry them on the spot. Being the crazy-in-love kids that they are, they accepted — making them officially Mr. and Mrs. There are no pictures of the big day, yet, but we're sure there were more than a few tears shed when they said their vows. Congrats to the happy couple! Now, it's your move, Angie and Brad. (TMZ)