Show of the Year
"Oh, wow that's a big question. Well, we've done 47 festivals this year. Glastonbury was amazing. We grew up our whole lives watching that one on TV. We had a really good show, too, so that made it even better. Oh, man, I can't tell you how many shows we've played this year…it's such a hard question to answer. In the U.S., we played Red Rocks. I mean that, as a place, was really amazing! I want to go back and do our own headlining show there. We did a really good show in New York as well as in Central Park. Such a legendary place. That was definitely up there."
Brotherly Love
"If we were like normal brothers and got in fights all the time, I think it would suck. But, we're not, you know. We're kind of just really good friends. Sometimes I forget he's even my brother, only I get reminded every day in interviews [laughs]. But, yeah, he's more like my best mate. We get along fine. We wouldn't have started the band if we didn't get on."

Key Collaborators
"We're probably closest with Sam Smith and Jessie Ware. I mean, we hang out with them loads just as friends now. We probably have the most banter in the studio. But, we don't work with anybody we don't like. That's a really important part of it. If we have a day and we don't get along with them, we won't work with them again. It doesn't matter how good they are if it's no fun. But, everyone on the album, we love. We're either massive fans of their music or really good friends, or both."
Making It
"'Latch' was the first bit of commercial success that we had in a big way. We got a lot of regular radio play, and it charted quite highly in the U.K., which was great. That was the first moment we were beginning to connect with a wider audience rather than just as DJs in the club scene. But, yeah, when the number-one album happened, it was just leaps and bounds…it was just jumping bigger and bigger. Ever since then it's been nonstop."
Nostalgia, Ultra
"We're going to keep touring, doing bigger and bigger shows. That's all we're concentrating on at the moment — making the shows as good as we can. We can draw a much bigger crowd now, which is great. It's a very balanced crowd, too, which is nice. There's a good mix of boys and girls and quite a big range of ages. They're obviously a lot of kids, but we get Tweets from people who are in their late 30s, early 40s who'll come down with their mates. I think they get this proper nostalgia about our music, you know. If they're old ravers or into house music, they'll want to come down, because it reminds them of that. That's been a really positive thing."