"Can you believe Chris Kirkpatrick is getting married?" Lance Bass recently said on his Sirius XM show, Dirty Pop. And, no, we can't, but that's partially because our memories of the "zany-haired" member of *NSYNC never really evolved past Y2K. But, yesterday, the 42-year-old married his girlfriend of three years, Karly Skladany. The ceremony took place in — where else? — Orlando, FL, where all the former *NSYNCers joined him for the nuptials, including Jessica Biel who was Justin Timberlake's radiant +1.
Kirkpatrick always struck us as a no-frills kind of guy and, apparently, that extends to his wedding philosophy. When it came to dressing his pop peers, he went for the budget option, jokes Bass. "What's really hilarious to me is that we went to get fitted for our tuxes at Men's Wearhouse — and he got us the cheapest tuxes there he could possibly get, which I think is so Chris and very lovely. I mean, that's just who he is." Never change, Chris. Never change. (Us Weekly)