Things move fast in the world of celebrity. One minute it’s all about tattoos (getting and giving 'em), and the next, in the case of Kelly Osbourne, they’re gone. The former singer and TV presenter posted a video on her Instagram account of the laser removal process. Considering the squeals emanating from Osbourne, we can assume this procedure is far from painless. As she writes in the caption, “I did the crime I am now doing the time! #NoPainNoGain!”
Osbourne has over 15 tattoos and decided to get rid of the majority of them several years ago. She revealed that many from her teenage years were acts of rebellion against her parents and don’t have any real meaning to her. “When I was younger I really do think that tattoos were my way of self-harming because I really knew it would upset my mum and dad," Osbourne once said. "I was miserable and I just went and got all these tattoos and I don't know why.”
Now at 29 and with a wedding to plan, she's hoping a few of her childhood indiscretions will be nothing but a faded memory. Still, we, and it seems her Instagram fans, are a little sorry to see the keyboard inking go. But, Osbourne makes a fair point about it: “I don't even know how to play a piano.” Click through to watch the video (rest assured, it isn’t gory) and let us know if you’ve ever considered bidding adieu to any of your tattoos? (Daily Mail)