Is This Guy The Banksy Of Instagram?

How many times a day do you check Instagram? Probably more often than you'd like to admit. But, your addiction to scroll-scroll-scrolling through your feed is nothing compared to this. Real Life Instagram is an art project by Brazilian designer Bruno Ribeiro that involves filters, hashtags, and Like buttons — only it's happening in the real world, not on your smartphone.
Ribeiro makes cardboard frames, complete with all the symbols and buttons you're used to, adds a sheet of colored cellophane to mimic the filter, and sticks them in snap-worthy (and sometimes unexpected) places around London and Manchester. He posts photos of his work — as well as photos of other people photographing his work — on his Tumblr. Still with us? Good. There's also a totally meta Instagram feed, if you really want to go down the rabbit hole. We're sticking with our hypothesis that Ribeiro is the social-media version of Banksy — and yes, there's even a snap of one of his frames on a Banksy piece. You know, in case you want your mind blown a little more. Click through to see a few more of our favorite faux 'grams. (Real Life Instagram)

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