Anti-pop wunderkind Lorde is turning 17 tomorrow, and as any teenager would, she took to her blog to share her feelings. Lorde being Lorde, however, makes her reflections on the life she's created for herself more poignant and well-written than ours were when we thought our LiveJournals were worthy of Pulitzers.
"I’m writing this because I’ve fallen into this odd crevasse of age where in New Zealand, it’s my birthday, but in New York, there’s still a day to go," she begins. Lorde then ruminates on where she was last year, comparing her relative unknown status to her recent show in front of all her influencers. "I felt so warm in the arms of these legends who are good enough to have faith in me, [sic] weird little screwball that I am." It's an open letter that's not meant to alienate or stimulate aggressive responses, but one that's more therapeutic, a stream of thought for the sake of clearing one's head.
"[sic] I realize over and over every day just how lucky I am to be here. [sic] and that’s down to all of you," Lorde stresses. As if her music wasn't enough of an indicator, she's an old soul coming to fruition in the body of a teenager. And, lucky for us, she lets us in to her notoriously private life and announced she's already working on her next album.
Seventeen is an awkward, in-between age; you're hardly an adult, but not so much a typical teen, either. It's the age that seems to define our future maturity — something Lorde has nothing to worry about. (Tumblr)