While the rest of us were going about our mundane lives earlier this week, Michelle Obama was doing what she does best: brushing up on her dance moves while looking like the coolest first lady, ever. The White House celebrated Diwali, the five-day Hindu festival, with a Bollywood dance clinic, where MObama learned a few new steps alongside some local kids.
At a press conference, the first lady noted the White House celebration of Diwali was intended to “honor and embrace the many cultures and faith traditions that make us who we are as Americans,” and acknowledged several Indian-American members of her staff. She also mentioned that So You Think You Can Dance is one of her favorite shows (how convenient!). And, later, MObama took to the dance floor — in a skirt made for her by Indian-born designer Naeem Khan — to show off her skills. Judging by the instructor’s face in the official White House snap, we’d say she rocked it.
Diwali has been celebrated in the White House since President Obama took office, but this is the first time a Bollywood dance has been done in the State Room. While her legendary mom dance on Jimmy Fallon proved that she had a sense of humor about her moves, this snap confirms the first lady can perform like a pro, no matter the style. Maybe we'll see her on Dancing With The Stars in 2016?