Watch The Year’s Best Movie Trailer

What else could get us to show up to a theater, 30 minutes in advance, popcorn in hand? Movie trailers, of course. And, more often than not, we end up enjoying the stream of previews more than we enjoy the movie we actually paid to see.
So, to honor these awesome two-minute clips, The Hollywood Reporter created The Key Art Awards. The top billing went to none other than the trailer for The Wolf of Wall Street. It's hardly surprising, though, considering the film is directed by Martin Scorsese and stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Matthew McConaughey, and Jonah Hill. Plus, all the drug-addled, high-powered Wall Street moneymakers don't hurt. The second version is just as enticing, even though it's not yet an award winner. The flick comes out in late December, so until then, we'll be glued to these images of Leo in his prime. (AdWeek)

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