Face it, if you live in a New York City apartment (with those paper-thin walls), you've probably awoken to the sounds of your neighbors — ahem — doing the nasty. But, if you've noticed this happening more frequently than not, you just might be living in one of NYC's sexual hot spots.
The Date Report put together a nifty infographic that reveals which Big Apple neighborhoods are the, um, busiest. Using stats from the 2012 NYC Community Health Survey, the chart takes note of people who have had sex with three or more partners in the last year. East Harlem is the friskiest, with a whopping 19.6% of the community revealing that they've had multiple lovers in the last 12 months. Other top contenders include Washington Heights, Staten Island, and Bed-Stuy. Oh, and we see you on the list, Chelsea.
Beyond learning which areas to visit if you're looking for a little hanky-panky, this map could be quite resourceful when it comes to searching for a new apartment. Then, maybe you can avoid the whole awkwardness that comes with knowing your neighbors like that. Either way, turn up Snoop's "Sensual Seduction" and click through for the full lowdown on where the magic is really happening in NYC.
(The Date Report)