Is This Beautiful Face About To Be Knighted?

rexusa_1815086dPhoto: Willi Schneider/REX USA.
The Beckhams' personal accomplishments are enough to cause anyone to suffer from a serious inferiority complex, and the family's collective wardrobe tends to make us weak at the knees. So, the latest rumor to escape Camp Beckham doesn't surprise us much. British Vogue reports that the suavest jack and master of all trades, David Beckham, is up for a knighthood in the New Year.
The Beckham household already includes an adorable, front-row-gracing toddler, a handsome Burberry model under the age of 12, and a business empire that wife Victoria has painstakingly nurtured to perfection. Throwing in the titles of “Sir” and “Lady” only seems like the next, natural step, right?
Sadly, there’s no finding out if Beckham — who received an Order of the British Empire in 2003 — will actually be recognized until December 31, when the Cabinet Office officially announces next year’s honors list. However, letters confirming 2014's honorees are sent out in mid to late November, which means the Beckhams may have already learned of their new titles. So, until then, we’ll be keeping an eye out for any subliminally happy tweets from Mrs. Beckham. Or, should we say Lady Beckham? (Vogue)

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