BBC Radio 1 continues its run of forcing pop stars to cover other pop star's singles with Ms. Miley Cyrus. Before you start rolling your eyes, you need to give this one a solid minute or so, because Cyrus really nails it. Taking on Lana Del Rey's 2012 sleeper hit, "Summertime Sadness," Cyrus shuts the haters down with her voice. Seriously y'all, Miley does Lana better than Lana does Lana.
She digs right down into the hard vocal inflections the chanteuse infamously employs, channeling that awkward squeal to a tee. It's moments like this one that remind us of Miley's talent. Acoustic Miley is a fantastic Miley; the girl's got a voice that's all too often twerked over and doused in tabloid fodder. And hey, her album wasn't all that bad. May we make an open suggestion for a stripped-down version of Bangerz? Because, let's be real: The most daring thing she could do at this point would be to, quite simply, sit and sing.
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