Ireland Baldwin Comes To Her Dad’s Defense With…A Twitter Rant

1Photo: Stewart Cook/RexUSA.
It's been a bit of a topsy-turvy time for Alec Baldwin lately. Many of his longtime fans are finding it pretty hard to stick by the actor as of late, given his erratic and occasionally hurtful behavior. In case you haven't been following along, we'll give you a brief update: After his talk show was reportedly cancelled, Baldwin posted several insensitive tweets directed at Anderson Cooper, and lashed out at a paparazzo with a slew of homophobic statements. We certainly can't speak for his state of mind, but there's no denying his actions have been questionable.
Now, ever the faithful daughter, Ireland Baldwin is coming to his defense. It seems she's mighty upset about the public's reaction to her dad, and she's letting all her Twitter followers know it. While she conceded that he didn't exactly choose his words correctly, she claims that his intentions were good — and that the overzealous paparazzi are to blame. "Having paparazzi following my mom and I has not been thrilling," she wrote. "Paparazzi can bring out many confined feelings of anger and spite." She also denounced the public for "acting like children," claiming that Alec was simply protecting his infant daughter.
Now sure, we totally get that often times the paparazzi cross a line when it comes to chasing down and photographing celebrity offspring. And, we're normally huge fans of Ireland and believe she has a great head on her shoulders. But, something about jumping to defend a man after he used homophobic slurs just doesn't sit right with us, even if he is a member of your family. What do you think: Is she just a daughter trying to protect her dad, or is she taking this defense a little to far?

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