Have you ever been jealous of Jared Leto's hair? If not, you are doing all of the things wrong. He has the most flowing, shining, beauteous mane known to mankind. Masterful ombré, silken texture, just a hint of natural curl...it's what we call "dreamy." But, it is not alone that he bears the burden of Most Beautiful. Recent photo research reveals his mother shares that lofty title.
Her name, of course, is Constance. We've found that most magically good-looking people with regal demeanors are named Constance. Have you seen her hair? The way it sweeps to one side and gleams in the light? If this doesn't make you proud to go gray, nothing will.
Looking at this photo is giving us a headache, though. Between his piercing eyes and her perfect red lip, we don't know where to focus our eyes and, as a result, are feeling very confused and overwhelmed.