Thanksgiving Horror Stories: 9 Turkey-Day Tales From The Weird Wide Web

Thanksgiving is a time-honored tradition in which we reflect on the bounty of life with our friends and loved ones. It is also a strong holiday cocktail of potential disaster, combining latent familial animosities, an oddly formalized eating ritual, and dangerous levels of alcohol. Thanksgiving disasters can and do happen.
You know how it goes. Grandma drops the bird on her ailing dog. Your drunk uncle starts railing against the reptilians in Congress (again). You cook an entire feast for all of your loved ones only to discover that you left that frozen baggie of turkey offal inside.
We combed through Reddit — the Internet's raw hive mind — to find some of the most unbelievable tales of Thanksgiving woe. (We can't thank the poor souls enough.) These sad and hilarious stories will make you feel better when things inevitably don't work out well this year.
Click through to check 'em out, and try to keep your uncle away from the sauce if you can.
Illustrated by Ly Ngo and Sydney Hass.

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