Treat Yourself: 20 Fitness Gifts Worth Splurging On

When it comes to the splurges we make in our lives, our fitness needs often get short-changed. Think about it: Sure, we definitely drop some cash on expensive classes or time with trainers. But, as a rule, we tend to spend the majority of our hard-earned paychecks on basically anything but bathroom scales and fitness bands.
So, we'd like to make the case for treating yourself when it comes to your wellness gear. After all, it's hard enough to live well. Why not look (and feel) good doing it? Who knows, a snazzy new pair of Nikes might be just what's needed to motivate you to brave the cold and get to the gym. And, yes, those juicers are expensive, but think of how much you'll save on your BluePrint regimen! Click through for 20 super-chic gift ideas to help take your wellness to a whole new level of awesome.

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