We may not be parents yet, but that doesn't mean we don't have a massive appreciation for the art of raising kids. It's certainly not easy to keep a child both happy 'n healthy, and to raise them as well-adjusted individuals. Add in the fact that, if you happen to be an A-list celebrity like Amy Poehler, you've got yourself a near-impossible situation when it comes to privacy.
That said, we've gotta give some props to the comedienne. Not only is she raising two normal (read: non-divo) sons, but she's also passing down some of her awesome wit and sarcasm. It's not easy to have a sense of humor when it comes to the paparazzi, but Abel and Archie Arnett seem to have nailed it. Poehler and her sons were hitting up a farmer's market in L.A. when they came across some photogs, and her mini-mes gave them a piece of their mind, posing with a pair of silly faces. Adorable, hilarious, and unafraid to stick it to the paps? We'd say this clan hit the trifecta.