Julia Roberts Talks Jennifer Lawrence: Battle Of The Sweethearts

When it comes to the title of "America's Sweetheart," Julia Roberts has had it in the bag for years. Perhaps it's the all-around approachable vibe, the inimitable laugh, or wry wit — whatever it is, the girl's got sweetheart staying power. Recently, though, the 46-year-old icon has had some company on that pedestal, with Jennifer Lawrence at her side. Lawrence, America's BFF, has shot straight to the center of the general population's hearts — even if she's everywhere promoting movies or showing up in GIF form.
But, who's more of a darling than the other? Well, Roberts wouldn't be the sweetheart if she was rude, now would she? When MTV's Josh Horowitz casually tested the topic while discussing Roberts' new movie August: Osage County, she replied, "I think she's fabulous, but she seems cooler than— " before Horowitz chimed in saying Lawrence was "too cool" to be a sweetheart, to which she agreed.
So, no harm done — yet. With Oscar season coming up, Roberts and J Lawr are expected to be in the running for Best Actress with their performances in August: Osage County and American Hustle, respectively. We'll see how it all goes down on the red carpet — or, in J Lawr's case, possibly on the way up to the stage. (MTV)

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