There must be something in the British water that somehow bestows multi-talents upon already big-name stars. Cara Delevingne, despite being the model of late, wants to sing and act. Naomi Campbell hosts television and, lest we forget, once tried her hand at pop stardom. Then there's Rita Ora, Jay Z's Brit ingenue, who skirts around the perimeter of the Top 40 chart queens and has, out of no where, landed a role in the Fifty Shades of Grey movie.
To say we're a bit shocked would be an overstatement. Honestly, we did one of those "huh...what?" double-takes at our computer screens when she tweeted the announcement. Apparently Ora will be playing Christian Grey's adopted sister Mia. If you haven't had your life and innocence turned fifty shades darker, Mia lives in Paris and comes to visit Christian. Perhaps Ora will even pull a little Carey Mulligan circa Shame Boom Boom Room moment and provide a little musical break between all the dancing goddesses and, uh, master puppeteering.